Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Murgir Bhorta....Thanks to PriyaDarshini

I was on to my usual blog hopping when this blog came up on my list... Let's Talk food has been a constant inspiration since then. I refuse to believe that this lady would or could ever stop cooking good food. She has a knack for coming up with the unusual and more so with Bengali recipes. Her Murgir Bhorta , Aam Kasundi Diye Dimer Jhal seem to have come out of the blue just to make me salivate.
I kept on telling my Hubby and whoever else would listen in the household about how I had come hold of an ingenious recipe and how the picture was beautiful on that blog and how talented this blogger was. Well the idea was to pester them to the limit that they would ask me to make it.
It happened. Hubby, a health freak turned foodie thanks to me (Not that I am very proud of it...I am to be blamed for all his Cholesterol and Indigestion), eventually asked me not to delay this further and what had to be done had to be done.
So, with a breast of chicken (minced chicken was not at hand), I did start off. I am sure from the look of it that it was not half as tasty as Priyadarshini's. But what do I do... as long as I do not get hold of this lady and get her to cook this for me I will have to do with this one. It wasn't that bad after all.
I substituted the chicken mince with a whole breast and just to be a bit original (well I did not have Coriander leaves anyway), I used a leaf which is called Jahaji Bor Pataa by my mom-in law. Not sure what it is called by us Ghotis, but it adds some great flavor to any dish and we add it to our Shutkis and our Loitta mach er jhuri and where ever else it fits.

I also left out the Garam masala...Hubby or mom-in-law isn't that fond of it.
Thanks Priyadarshini!! This was a total hit with Hubby. I am taking along some for Sis and Mom tomorrow. Sure they would like this as well.

Servings: 4 or if it were me and Hubby then possibly 2
1 medium chicken breast
1 onion paste
2 tsp garlic paste
1 tsp ginger paste
1 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp red chili powder
1.5 tsp coriander powder
1 tsp jeera powder
1/2 tsp vinegar
1/2 tsp besan
Around 6 to 7 green chilis (what I sacrificed on chili powder, I made up with the fresh ones)
About 5 to 6 Jahaji Bor leaves
3 tbsp. Mustard oil
Grind the chicken in a blender into a fine paste along with everything else the Besan, oil and Jahaji Bor. Keep aside for half an hour. 
Now heat a Wok. Once the pan is hot, pour in the spiced chicken mixture. Stir well, bring to a boil, cover and cook for about 10-15 minutes on medium heat. Remove cover and continue cooking on low heat, until the juices dry up. Add chopped leaves and keep frying on low heat. Continue frying on low heat for another 10mins
As Priyadarshini mentioned, "If the chicken dries up a little to much, sprinkle some warm water and continue. You can do it a few times, as required. "

Add in the besan and mix well. Priyadarshini had suggested some more Mustard oil, but I had to sacrifice since Hubby isn't keeping well.  Nevertheless it was yummy.

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